We don’t just do this as a means of trying to convince you to buy the product. In fact, there’s a number of reasons we provide a free demonstration, and whenever you’re making an investment in a new product, you should always be able to “see the goods,” before you start discussing costs. Here’s why…
Let’s start with the obvious; a demonstration allows you to see exactly what you would be buying. Although your primary way of finding out information about a product is through initial phone or email enquiries, being able to actually see the product, working, right in front of you, will give you the best understanding of exactly what the product can do.
It’s also your chance to put the product to the test. If the product fails, or the demonstrator has issues whilst showing you the system, then that’s a red flag worth noting. However, a smooth, flawless product demonstration is a great way to feel more confident about the product you’ll be investing in.
It is as important to know what any product will not do, as it is to know what it will do. There is an old, yet true maxim, “to assume, makes an ass out of you and me”.
There’s no escaping it; price is a big deal. It’s one of the first things most potential buyers ask for when enquiring about a product. However, when it comes to things like time & attendance systems, how are you going to know what the price even means if you don’t know anything about the product? If you get two quotes from two different companies, and one company is offering you a system for £3,000 and the other is offering a system for £5,000 then you might be tempted to think;
“Well, they’re both time & attendance systems, and the £3,000 one is better value for money, so why bother with a demonstration? Let’s just go with the £3,000 option!”
Are you sure? What are the differences between the two systems (and there will be many)? Are these two systems even compatible with your company requirements? Just what are you getting for £3,000 compared to £5,000? If you blindly purchase the £3,000 system, and after a year or so, the system fails to meet your expectations and you need to replace it with the £5,000 option, then the whole ordeal has just cost you a total of £8,000 and extra hassle – a cost that could have been avoided by spending a few hours of your time to thoroughly review each system, enabling you to make an informed decision. Many companies have been caught out this way – don’t be one of them.
As mentioned, a detailed demonstration is the perfect way to really get stuck in and see all the features a product has to offer. During this time, you should ask as many questions as you can think of! It’s your one chance to get answers and a better understanding of a product whilst it’s right there in front of you. Interrogate the demonstrator on the product. There’s no such thing as too many questions. A lot of questions you ask will most likely be answered by showing you the system at work. That’s a level of clarification you can’t get through phone calls and emails with sales reps. Be thorough and find out as much as you can so you are fully informed to make a decision on whether it’s the right product for you.
Good companies want to make sure you’re going to be happy using their product, and so, they’ll be asking you questions too. They’ll want to make sure their product is going to help your company rather than making life more difficult. Bad companies on the other hand, are only interested in that initial sale. So here’s a hint: If the presenter doesn’t seem all that interested in asking questions about your company, take that as a bad sign!
In making the right choice you will keep your new system for at least ten years. Getting it right from the outset is therefore very important.